Seishun Tokei

Seishun Tokei is the 1st single by NGT48 released on April 12, 2017.


Seishun Tokei (Type A) [CD+DVD]Seishun Tokei (Type A) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: BVCL-796
1.Seishun Tokei (青春時計)3:28
Seishun Tokei (Type B) [CD+DVD]Seishun Tokei (Type B) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: BVCL-798
Seishun Tokei (Type C) [CD+DVD]Seishun Tokei (Type C) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: BVCL-800
Seishun Tokei [CD]Seishun Tokei [CD]
Catalog: BVCL-802


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType
NGT48『青春時計』MUSIC VIDEO / NGT48[公式]6,904,2482017-03-17musicvideo

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