Warota People

Warota People is the 17th single by NMB48 released on December 27, 2017.


Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type A) [CD+DVD]Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type A) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: YRCS-90141
1.Warota People (ワロタピーポー)
2.Jibun No Iro (自分の色)
3.Dokoka De Kiss Wo (どこかでキスを)
4.Warota People (off Vocal Ver.) (ワロタピーポー (off Vocal Ver.))
5.Jibun No Iro (off Vocal Ver.) (自分の色 (off Vocal Ver.))
6.Dokoka De Kiss Wo (off Vocal Ver.) (どこかでキスを (off Vocal Ver.))
Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type B) [CD+DVD]Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type B) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: YRCS-90142
Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type C) [CD+DVD]Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type C) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: YRCS-90143
Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type D) [CD+DVD]Warota People (Regular Edition) (Type D) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: YRCS-90144


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType
【MV】ワロタピーポー / NMB48[公式]7,784,0092017-11-29musicvideo

K-Pop Database since 2020
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