Shitsuren, Arigato

Shitsuren, Arigato is the 57th single by AKB48 released on March 18, 2020.


Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type A) (Ltd Edition) [CD+DVD]Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type A) (Ltd Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-90659
1.Shitsuren, Arigatou (失恋、ありがとう)4:37
Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type A) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type A) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-659
Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type B) (Ltd Edition) [CD+DVD]Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type B) (Ltd Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-90661
Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type B) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type B) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-661
Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type C) (Ltd Edition) [CD+DVD]Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type C) (Ltd Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-90663
Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type C) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]Shitsuren, Arigatou (Type C) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-663


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType

Shitsuren, ArigatouAKB48 MV「失恋、ありがとう」3,500,3202020-03-05musicvideo

K-Pop Database since 2020
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