Ponytail to shushu

Ponytail to shushu is the 16th single by AKB48 released on May 26, 2010.


Ponytail to shushu (Type A)Ponytail to shushu (Type A)
Catalog: KIZM-53
1.Ponytail To Shushu (ポニーテールとシュシュ)4:31
Ponytail to shushu (Type B)Ponytail to shushu (Type B)
Catalog: KIZM-55


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType
【MV full】 ポニーテールとシュシュ / AKB48 [公式]85,209,6222010-09-08musicvideo

Ponytail To Shushu【MV full】 ポニーテールとシュシュ / AKB48 [公式]85,209,6222010-09-08musicvideo

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