Mae shika mukanee

Mae shika mukanee is the 35th single by AKB48 released on February 26, 2014.


Mae shika mukanee (Type A) (Ltd. Edition) [CD+DVD]Mae shika mukanee (Type A) (Ltd. Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-90271
1.Maeshika Mukanee (前しか向かねえ)
2.Kinou Yori Motto Suki (昨日よりもっと好き)
3.Kimi no Uso wo Shitteita (君の嘘を知っていた)
4.MaeShika Mukanee (off Vocal Ver.) (前しか向かねえ (off Vocal Ver.))
5.Kinou Yori Motto Suki (off Vocal Ver.) (昨日よりもっと好き (off Vocal Ver.))
6.Kimi no Uso wo Shitteita (off Vocal Ver.) (君の嘘を知っていた (off Vocal Ver.))
Mae shika mukanee (Type A) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]Mae shika mukanee (Type A) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-271
Mae shika mukanee (Type B) (Ltd. Edition) [CD+DVD]Mae shika mukanee (Type B) (Ltd. Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-90273
Mae shika mukanee (Type B) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]Mae shika mukanee (Type B) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-273
Mae shika mukanee (Type C) (Ltd. Edition) [CD+DVD]Mae shika mukanee (Type C) (Ltd. Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-90275
Mae shika mukanee (Type C) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]Mae shika mukanee (Type C) (Regular Edition) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: KIZM-275


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType
【MV】前しか向かねえ ダイジェスト映像 / AKB48[公式]1,658,2852014-02-06musicvideo

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