Chicken LINE

Chicken LINE is the 19th single by SKE48 released on March 30, 2016.


Chicken LINE (Type A) [CD+DVD]Chicken LINE (Type A) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: AVCD-83514
1.Chicken Line (チキンline)
2.Kanojo Ga Iru (彼女がいる)
3.Bouenkyou No Nai Tenmondai (望遠鏡のない天文台 (passion For You 選抜))
4.Chicken Line(off Vocal) (チキンline (off Vocal))
5.Kanojo Ga Iru(off Vocal) (彼女がいる (off Vocal))
6.Bouenkyou No Nai Tenmondai(off Vocal) (望遠鏡のない天文台 (off Vocal))
Chicken LINE (Type B) [CD+DVD]Chicken LINE (Type B) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: AVCD-83515
Chicken LINE (Type C) [CD+DVD]Chicken LINE (Type C) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: AVCD-83516
Chicken LINE (Type D) [CD+DVD]Chicken LINE (Type D) [CD+DVD]
Catalog: AVCD-83517


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType
2016/3/30 on sale SKE48 19th Single「チキンLINE」MV(special edit ver.)845,7912016-03-07musicvideo

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