Nagano Serina

Name:Nagano Serina
Japanese name:長野せりな
Full name:長野瀬里菜 / 長野瀬里菜
Nickname:Seri-chan, Serinyan, Puni-Puni
Japanese nickname:せりちゃん
Birth date: (Korean age: 32y, Real age: 30y)
Star sign:Libra - Dog
Blood type:B
Info:Idoling!!! #13
Hometown:Chiba, Japan
Sizes:B76 W62 H84
Active since:1998
Hobbies:Making confectionary, music appreciation, nail art

GroupStage namePositionPeriod
Idoling!!!2nd gen member #132008 - 2015
Nagano Serina

K-Pop Database since 2020
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